Alfabetul iubirii ...

miercuri, 16 iulie 2008


Ca raspuns la provocarea lui T X :

"Am primit ieri de la Urban Reality o provocare si anume o leapsa muzicala care suna cam in felul urmator:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to…

Asadar, accept provocarea si lista celor 7 este urmatoarea:
1. Fragma - Toca's Miracle 2008
2. ATB - Here with me
3. Shawn Hlookoff - She could be you
4. Leona Lewis - Better in time
5. Paul van Dyk ft Jessica Sutta - White Lies
6. ATB - Trilogy part 2
7. ATB - I don't wanna stop

Mersi de provocare R si dau stafeta mai departe catre: Chocolate, Phat, Ania, Kappacelu', Sangria, Ice4you, Samsara"

Melodiile sunt:
1. Emil Lassaria - Balada
2. Laurent Wolf - No stress
3. Sean Ray - Ride it
4. Enrique Iglesias - Push
5. Activ - Under my skin
6. Ian Carey - Keep on rising
7. La cumparsita remix din Take the lead

Mai departe dau stafeta lui : Sangria, Chocolate, Comedy Now, Andutzu, Claudiu ... si ... 2 anonimii :P

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

mersi de leapsa te-ai scos ai dat-o repede
atunci de la mine pentru voi vorba manelistilor :-))))))))dusmanii are pica:-))))))sau :-)))sa maninca si fratii mei o bucata de latino :-)))atunci latino sa fie si mult reggae ca de la un om batrin la tineretul de pe acest blog

Sangria spunea...

am prestat...gata ! :))
